Navigating Italy’s Payroll Regulations 2024

person reading up on Italy's payroll regulations 2024

As summer fades and a new season approaches, it’s time to catch up on some important updates as we return to our desks. In 2024, Italy’s payroll regulations have seen significant changes that businesses must adapt to in order to remain compliant and optimize HR processes. From revised tax laws to updated social security contributions, understanding these changes is crucial for any company operating in Italy. This blog provides a clear overview of the key updates and their implications for both employers and employees.

Revised Income Tax Brackets

One of the most notable changes is the revision of the income tax structure, known as IRPEF (Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche). Effective January 2024, the tax brackets have been simplified from four to three, with the new rates as follows:

  • 23% for income up to EUR 28,000
  • 35% for income between EUR 28,000 and EUR 50,000
  • 43% for income over EUR 50,000

This revision eliminates the previous 25% tax bracket that applied to incomes between EUR 15,000 and EUR 28,000. Additionally, a temporary increase in the tax-free allowance for 2024 raises the amount to EUR 1,955 for employees earning below EUR 15,000, up from EUR 1,880. This adjustment is part of a broader effort to boost disposable income and stimulate consumer spending.

Employers must adjust their payroll systems to reflect these new brackets, ensuring accurate tax withholdings. Failure to do so could result in compliance issues and potential fines.

Increased Social Security Contributions

Social security contributions have also been adjusted in 2024, with an increase aimed at strengthening the country’s pension system. This could impact the overall payroll expenses:

  • Employer Contributions: The rate for employers has increased slightly and is currently at approximately 30%.
  • Employee Contributions: Employee contribution rates have varied between 9.49% and 10.49% from 2000 to 2024. Employers must ensure that payroll processing systems are updated to reflect these rates accurately.

Introduction of the Digital Payroll Registry

To modernize payroll management and enhance transparency, Italy has introduced a mandatory Digital Payroll Registry in 2024. This initiative requires employers to submit payroll data electronically to a centralized government system:

  • Compliance Requirements: Employers must now maintain digital payroll records and submit them monthly. This change necessitates investment in compliant payroll software and training for HR teams.
  • Benefits: Although the transition may involve upfront efforts, long-term advantages include reduced administrative burden, easier audits, and improved data accuracy.

Expanded Parental Leave Provisions

In alignment with broader European trends, Italy has expanded its parental leave provisions in 2024 to offer better support to working parents:

  • Parental Leave Changes: Paid parental leave has been extended to a maximum of 10 months, with higher compensation rates during the initial months. Leave can now be taken more flexibly, allowing parents to balance work and family life more effectively.
  • Impact on Payroll: Employers need to update payroll systems to accommodate these extended leave periods and ensure accurate payment calculations during leave.

New Wage Transparency Laws

To promote workplace equality, Italy has introduced new wage transparency laws in 2024. These laws require companies to disclose salary ranges for job positions and provide explanations for any pay disparities:

  • Disclosure Requirements: Companies must now publish salary ranges in job advertisements and maintain internal reports on wage distribution by gender and job category.
  • Payroll Adjustments: HR departments must work closely with payroll teams to ensure all wage data is accurately reported and compliant with the new regulations.

Introduction of the “Green Payroll” Initiative

In line with environmental sustainability goals, Italy introduced the “Green Payroll” initiative in 2024, encouraging companies to adopt eco-friendly practices within their payroll operations:

  • Incentives: Companies that reduce paper usage, switch to digital payslips, and implement energy-efficient payroll systems may qualify for tax credits and other financial benefits.
  • Sustainability Impact: This initiative promotes greener practices, helping businesses reduce their environmental footprint while potentially lowering operational costs

To read more about changes in the Italian payroll landscape, visit the official government page, INPS, CGIL, and the European Commission websites.


The Italian payroll landscape in 2024 presents significant changes that demand careful attention and adaptation from businesses. Key updates in tax, social security, and compliance regulations underscore the need for proactive management to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Staying informed and compliant is not only essential for avoiding penalties but also for positioning your business for success in Italy’s evolving economic environment.

At Internago, we simplify payroll management by ensuring compliance with the latest regulations. Our platform offers a streamlined solution for all HR-related processes, helping you navigate these shifts with ease. Also see earlier blogs about the Italy’s parental leave evolution and regulations in the French payroll 2024.

To stay ahead of international payroll changes and safeguard your business, visit our website and payroll portal or contact us at

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