As a Swedish company, we highly value the importance of parental leave. These policies play a crucial role in supporting families and helping parents balance work and childcare. In this blog, we will walk you through the key aspects of parental leave in Germany, including maternity leave, parental allowance, and job protection measures.
Maternity Leave – 14 Weeks of Job Protection
Maternity leave in Germany (Mutterschutz) covers a period of 14 weeks, starting six weeks before the expected birth and continuing for at least eight weeks afterward. In cases of multiple or premature births, postnatal leave is extended to 12 weeks. During this period, mothers receive maternity benefits (Mutterschaftsgeld), which are covered by health insurance and supplemented by the employer to ensure continued income. Employers are required to keep the employee’s position open during this time, ensuring job security upon return.
Parental Leave – Up to Three Years per Child
Parents in Germany are entitled to parental leave (Elternzeit) of up to three years per child. This leave can be taken by either parent and does not have to be used all at once—it can be split into different periods until the child reaches the age of eight. Parents also have the option to work part-time (up to 32 hours per week) while on parental leave.
During parental leave, employees are protected from dismissal, except in exceptional cases approved by the authorities. This regulation allows parents to take time off work without the risk of losing their jobs.
Parental Allowance – Financial Support During Leave
To compensate for lost income, parents can apply for parental allowance (Elterngeld). This benefit is available for up to 14 months, depending on how the leave is shared between parents. The standard parental allowance ranges from 65% to 100% of the parent’s previous net income, with a minimum and maximum limit.
An alternative option, Parental Allowance Plus (ElterngeldPlus), allows parents to extend payments over a longer period, although at a lower monthly rate. This model is designed for those who wish to work part-time while receiving financial support.
Paternity Leave and Shared Parental Leave
Germany does not have a separate paternity leave policy. Instead, fathers can take parental leave under the same conditions as mothers. If both parents share parental leave responsibilities, they are entitled to two additional months of parental allowance, encouraging both parents to be actively involved in childcare.
To learn more about this, please visit the following websites: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German Pension Insurance and Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (Statutory Health Insurance)
For more blogs about Germany please visit: A guide to register as a foreign employer in Germany, A guide to workplace pension i Germany and A guide to corporate taxes in Germany.
Future Developments in Parental Leave Policies
Discussions around parental leave in Germany continue to focus on increasing flexibility and encouraging more fathers to take leave. Changes in parental allowance rules, extended financial support, and adjustments to part-time work options may be introduced in the future.
Parental leave regulations in Germany aims to provide financial support and job security to parents, giving the opportunity to care for their children during the early years. Understanding these rules can help both employees and employers navigate parental leave arrangements more effectively.
For more information about payroll and compliance in Germany, feel free to contact us at or visit our Payroll Portal.