How to administrate sick leave in France

How to administrate sick leave in France

April 16, 2020 || ReportsFrancePayroll

Internago has summarised the procedures for when an employee needs to leave work because of illness.

The sick leave document bundle for each individual is made up of three different main parts:

The part that is intended for the medical service of the primary health insurance fund (caisse primaire d’assurance maladie).
The part that goes to the administrative service of the primary health insurance fund (caisse primaire d’assurance maladie).
The part that the employer should take care of.

Two different cases could happen if your employees get sick

Case 1:

The doctor gives the employee part 3 of the sick leave documentation (avis d’arret de travail). Then he or she must send this part to his or her employer within 48 hours.

The doctor, in turn, is responsible for transmitting parts 1 and 2 to the medical service of the primary health insurance fund, which transmits part 2 to the administrative services of the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie).

Case 2:

The doctor gives the employee all three parts. Then the employee must send parts 1 and 2 to the medical services of the primary health insurance fund, which in turn forwards part 2 to the administrative services of the CPAM and the employee sends part 3 to the employer.

How much will the daily allowance be?

The general case is that 50% of the basic daily salary is to be paid to the employee during the sick leave. If the employee has three or more children the allowance is increased to 66.66%, from the 31st day of the sick leave.

The maximum amount for the daily allowance is €45.55 gross (€ 60,73 if the employee has three or more children).

For example, if your employee earns €75 gross per day, the allowance is €37,5 gross per day and €50 gross per day from the 31st day of sick leave if the employee has three or more children.

Who pays for the sick leave?

When an employee applies for sick leave with the right documentation, the health insurance pays the daily allowance when your employee doesn’t receive a salary because of their absence from their work.

Companies also have the possibility to continue to pay the employee’s salary (full or partial). In that case, the health insurance for the employee will be paid directly to the company.

If the employee’s initial notice of sick leave is extended, they need to send in the renewal of sick leave within 48 hours after the received it, before the first sick leave is completed.

For full information about sick leave in France and how this affects your payroll services, please click here!


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